SUNY GCC - Genesee Community College


5 .团队功能障碍

Teamwork remains the single most untapped competitive advantage for any organization. Whether you work in a large corporation, 一个非营利性的, 一个小组织, 或者一家新的创业公司找到了一种方法来最大限度地提高士气和生产力,这将带来非凡的组织成果. Outstanding teamwork does not happen by accident. It is purposeful and their 开发ment is ongoing. 今天 is the day to begin the process of increasing your team’s cohesiveness and 生产力. 学习如何发现和解决任何团队都可能遇到的5个问题:不关注结果, 避免问责, 缺乏承诺, 对冲突的恐惧, 缺乏信任.


D.I.S.C. 性格报告或清单, profiles four primary behavioral styles, each with a very distinct and predictable pattern of observable behavior. 它通常用于商业和公司环境,可以导致个人见解,可以加强员工的绩效, 监督, 管理, and leadership personnel throughout your organization. D.I.S.C. 有助于公平竞争, giving everyone a common language, and helping your 管理 team understand how to approach, 讨论, 纪律, 奖励他们的员工.


Whether you’re an HR Manager or just wear the hat as part of your job duties, 你是在组织内建立和持续支持无敌意工作环境的关键人物. 人力资源专业人员必须是机警的专家,果断地领导主动,确保我们的全体员工了解多元化员工所提供的优势,并欣赏差异,以创建一个能够在每个成员的独特优势下工作的团队.


情商(EI)是指一个人识别自己和他人感受的能力, 激励自己, and for managing themselves and their relationships. 这些能力不同于传统的学术智力,不能用智商来衡量. 高情商的领导者通过以下途径帮助他们的组织通过员工创造竞争优势:提高绩效, improved motivation and teamwork, enhanced innovation and restored trust.


FourSight工具可以洞察人们如何思考、处理工作和解决问题. This assessment breaks down into four distinct phases of the breakthrough thinking process, indicating strengths and preferences for each individual. 发现如何最好地利用你和你的团队的思维方式,作为实现更高生产力的第一步, 团队的有效性, 突破性成果.


Identifying and placing the right candidates into the right positions can be a daunting task. 行为面试, understanding your organization’s cultural fit, 对职位空缺当前和未来所需的技能有一个清晰的认识,这将有助于你在第一时间招聘到合适的人. Add this skill to your HR toolbox to help you make the best possible choices.

Managing Multiple Generations in the Workplace

There are currently 4 generations in the workplace, 都有不同的值, 偏见, 需要, 和期望. 领导人, 经理, and 监事 must understand how best to manage, 激励, and retain the best within each of these groups to ensure organizational health and prosperity.

Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)

“Whatever the circumstances of your life, the understanding of type can make your perceptions clearer, your judgments sounder…” Isabel Briggs Myers. Myers Briggs类型指标(MBTI)工具帮助个人和团队更好地理解人们的行为方式, 从而更清楚地了解如何最好地与组织内的其他人互动, 以及外部客户. MBTI serves as a basis for team building, 领导和辅导, 管理冲突, 提高工作绩效.


绩效管理是一个系统,通过它,一个组织能够有效地将其战略目标与员工的日常职能结合起来,同时在动荡的环境中运作, 全球经济. 包括考试, 修改, and creation of accurate job descriptions, 任务评估与测量, and clarification of employee expectations. 除了, 主管必须学会如何有效地撰写和提供绩效评估,以激励员工并帮助他们充分发挥潜力. HR professionals need to ensure appropriate training of their 管理 and leadership staff, create an environment conducive to open communication and teamwork, 并让团队领导者负起责任,从而使组织更接近于实现他们的使命.


Learn how to permanently resolve tough performance problems. Our step-by-step process is invaluable in clarifying the problem, 确定绩效差距,并与员工一起制定积极而富有成效的解决方案. 积极的纪律在任何工作场所都是必不可少的,因为它需要员工在工作中保持积极性,每天100%地投入工作.


根据法律, there are two categories of sexual harassment in the workplace; quid pro quo and a hostile work environment. 最常见的, in today’s workplace is the accusation of a hostile work environment, leading to hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal fees and fines. 许多领导人, 监事, 工作人员, unaware of what constitutes a hostile work environment inadvertently contribute to the problem. 除了, a hostile work environment has been shown to reduce worker 生产力 and overall retention.

根据《十大靠谱赌博平台》第201-g条,纽约州的每个雇主都必须为员工提供预防性骚扰的培训. Employees should receive training upon initial hiring and annually thereafter.

The 最好的中心 offers this trainng both in a classroom setting and online! 我们30分钟的在线课程满足纽约州对互动培训的最低要求. 现在致电安排您的课堂培训或免费演示我们的在线培训机会! For more information contact the 最好的中心 by calling 585-345-6868 or by emailing bestcenter@eedsnljs.com.

Social Media: Policy and Practice

在脸谱网和推特上查找候选人资料的合法性是什么? LinkedIn怎么样?? Should your organization be using these tools to recruit potential candidates?

个人和组织使用社交媒体的指数级增长伴随着道德辩论和法律后果. HR professionals need to stay abreast of best practices to protect their organizations, 保持员工士气, 支持客户服务.


How do you prefer to communicate with others? Can you tell by observing someone’s behavior, how they prefer to communicate? 他们如何思考? And therefore, why they react the way they do, to you and others around them? The 社交风格 assessment is a quick, 容易, 也是帮助团队的有趣工具, 监事, and leaders better understand workplace behaviors, 并有效地管理它们.


今天, 领导者仅仅在理智上同意员工是组织的命脉是不够的, 他们必须知道如何根据这一点采取行动,以获得员工的最大承诺和生产力. 虽然人力资源的职责已经发展成为一个专门的职能,许多组织都有个人履行这一职能, it is more important than ever for leaders to understand the core components of HR; employment law issues and best practices.


人才管理, otherwise known as Succession Planning, 出现于20世纪90年代,因为越来越多的公司开始意识到员工的才能和技能推动了企业的成功. 现在被称为人才管理的过程演变为一种开发员工技能以发挥其潜力的系统方法, 提高员工保留率, and attracting highly skilled workers to the organization. Companies engaged in talent 管理 are strategic and deliberate in how they attract, 开发, 留住他们的员工. 对这些发展系统的价值所做的研究揭示了在收入等关键经济领域的好处, 客户满意度, 质量, 生产力, 成本, 市场资本化.


成年人是如何学习的? How can trainers address different learning styles in the classroom? How is the training content determined? Trainers must be able to reach a broad range of learning styles, 沟通方式, and thinking styles to fulfill their responsibilities within the organization. 有效的培训师明白,他们掌握着开发和交付与组织目标一致的准确、及时的培训的关键, thus providing the skill set needed to achieve the organization’s mission.


Workplace violence is a serious issue that affects all business sectors and occupations. 作为雇主, the safety and security of every employee, 客户, and external vendor that walks into your establishment is yours. 通过培训组织中的每个人来发现潜在的工作场所暴力问题和行为,减少你的责任和风险, 并且知道如何避免它们.